Interest In Casual Sex more than, well, Casual for this Researcher
Source: Interest in casual sex more than, well, casual for Kelowna grad Jocelyn Wentland - Daily Courier: Life...
Source: Interest in casual sex more than, well, casual for Kelowna grad Jocelyn Wentland - Daily Courier: Life...
It was a dark day in Philly when, in the home of brotherly love, a child-like Canadian celebrity was killed. HitchBOT, the traveling robot that thumbed its way across Canada, the Netherlands, and Germany, met an untimely demise in the good old U.S. of A on...
I couldn't help but note my fellow Patriot in the American airport. His black t-shirt emblazoned with bright red, capital letters proudly announcing CANADA caught my eye. Since an article I read in the Globe and Mail suggesting wearing our maple leaf when we travel...