Lab Staff gifted with the Right Stuff to Study DNA

It might not be Sexy but this Donation can Save Lives

02 Jun Lab Staff gifted with the Right Stuff to Study DNA

What happens when local philanthropists put their money where the lab is? Cutting edge technology at KGH that will result in better antibiotic use and quicker diagnosis of deadly viruses.

That might not sound sexy–indeed, KGH Foundation CEO, Doug Rankmore calls the Pritchard Foundation’s donation one that might “typically be overlooked because it’s not top of mind in the media or even with the general medical community.” But the PCR or Polymerase Chain Reaction equipment they just supplied is the kind of stuff that sends lab staff skipping with joy to study super bugs. And that has the potential to save us.

For the full article in the @KelownaCourier, click the title below:

Lab Staff gets the Right Stuff to Study DNA